On May 17, 2010, at 1:13 PM, Chris Withers wrote:

> Hi All,
> I want our production systems to start caring about the versions of their 
> schemas. sqlalchemy-migrate was the first project I came across which 
> addresses this. What other projects should I look at in this area, or is 
> sqlalchemy-migrate the obvious choice?
> If it is, how can I, in my application, check what version of the schema the 
> current database is? (the idea being that the app will refuse to start unless 
> the schema version is that expected by the app)
> Related: how can I short circuit this when the database is empty and bump the 
> schema version up to the latest for the app? (ie: dev instances, where the 
> process is to blow the db away often so no need for migration)

sqlalchemy-migrate is the obvious choice.    I am also developing a 
micro-migrations system called Alembic (http://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/alembic) in 
conjunction with my current work project but not all features have been 
implemented yet - its expected that I'll be getting them in a more polished 
state in the coming months.  The Migrate project can of course steal any and 
all desireable features and code from Alembic freely as I would like 
sqlalchemy-migrate to remain the default choice.

as for the related issue, I think its best that your setup provide a 
"setup-app" type of command which generates an initial schema, and embeds the 
current migrate version number.   Here's a snip of a related Pylons websetup.py:

from migrate.versioning.api import version_control, version, upgrade
from migrate.versioning.exceptions import DatabaseAlreadyControlledError

    # Create the tables if they aren't there already
    meta.Base.metadata.create_all(bind=meta.engine, checkfirst=True)

    # setup migrate versioning table if not present
        latest_version = version("migrate")
        version_control(pylons.config['sqlalchemy.url'], "migrate", 
version=latest_version, echo=True)
    except DatabaseAlreadyControlledError:
        log.info("migrate table already present")

    # do any migrate upgrades pending...
    upgrade(pylons.config['sqlalchemy.url'], "migrate", version=latest_version, 

The migrations system should only be used for changes to an existing schema.   
Other "check this before running" types of functionality can be accomplished 

As a side note, I also have an elaborate monkeypatch to migrate to get it to 
work with transactional DDL.    Simple support for transactional DDL is one of 
the goals of the new tool I am writing.   If you're not on Postgresql or 
MS-SQL, then you can't use transactional DDL anyway.

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