Thanks Lance.  Would this lazily load the annotations for each item?
I'm trying to avoid "# of item" trips to the db, and also avoid
loading all the annotations.for each item.  I'm thinking I can do w/
some joins, and subquery()'s...


On May 29, 2:58 pm, Lance Edgar <> wrote:
> On 5/29/2010 11:59 AM, nospam wrote:> I'm trying to make the below logic into 
> 1 query, so I don't have to
> > run an individual query for each item; but can't figure out how to do
> > it in sqlalchemy.  Any ideas what the code would look like?
> > results = []
> > items = session.query(Item).filter(Item.type == "person")
> > for item in items
> >    annotations = session.query(Annotation)
> >    .filter(Annotation.item_id ==
> >    .order_by(Annotation.creation_datetime.desc())
> >    annotationResult = None
> >    for annotation in annotations:
> >       if annotation.type == "x" or annotation.type == "y"
> >    annotationResult = annotation
> >    break;
> >    if annoationResult == None
> >    annotationResult = annotations[0]
> >    results.append(annotationResult)
> > return results
> In my mind the final code would look like this:
> def your_function():
>      results = []
>      session = Session()
>      for item in session.query(Item).filter(Item.type == 'person'):
>          annotation_result = None
>          for annotation in item.annotations:
>              if annotation.type in ('x', 'y'):
>                  annotation_result = annotation
>                  break
>          if annotation_result is None and item.annotations:
>              annotation_result = item.annotations[0]
>          if annotation_result:
>              results.append(annotation_result)
>      session.expunge_all()
>      session.close()
>      return results
> But of course that assumes that some relationship mapping has been done
> ahead of time, for instance:
> import sqlalchemy as sa
> from sqlalchemy import orm
> metadata = sa.MetaData()
> items = sa.Table(
>      'items', metadata,
>      sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
>      sa.Column('type', sa.String(20)),
>      )
> annotations = sa.Table(
>      'annotations', metadata,
>      sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
>      sa.Column('item_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('')),
>      sa.Column('type', sa.String(1)),
>      sa.Column('creation_datetime', sa.DateTime),
>      )
> class Item(object):
>      pass
> class Annotation(object):
>      pass
> orm.mapper(
>      Item, items,
>      properties = dict(
>          annotations = orm.relation(Annotation,
> order_by=[annotations.c.creation_datetime.desc()]),
>          ),
>      )
> orm.mapper(
>      Annotation, annotations,
>      )
> Session = orm.sessionmaker()
> Hope this helps.
> Lance

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