On 6/1/2010 7:18 AM, nospam wrote:
I see significant slow down if I have 1000 items, and a couple of
annotations for each one.  That's a 1001 queries I need to make, so I
want to avoid the for loop there - and just have 1 query that returns
me the list of correct annotation objs.

I think this is basically the "give me the last order each user
placed" problem, but w/ more complexity around the "last order"

I'm not as hip on the whole "selectable" stuff and where it should be used in place of the ORM, since I usually want to interact with objects instead of rows, but the following will hopefully get you closer to your goal (using the ORM):

    Item, items,
    properties = dict(
        annotations = orm.relation(Annotation,
            order_by = [annotations.c.creation_datetime.desc()],
primaryjoin = sa.and_(annotations.c.item_id == items.c.id, annotations.c.type.in_(('x','y'))),
            lazy = False,

So this does a couple of things...first of all the /opposite/ of lazy='select' since apparently you want the annotations loaded via the same query that pulls in the items; also it filters the annotation.type to only include ('x', 'y'). BTW also I used lazy=False instead of lazy='joined' - I hadn't previously realized the SA 0.5 vs 0.6 difference with regard to that (lazy=False will work the same for both).

Obviously one drawback is that the annotations property is now restricted with the type filter, so if you ever /did/ want to see all the possible annotations then you'll need to create a second property for that. Also, I personally am not familiar enough to say whether or not this mapping should specify viewonly=True ... I'd think so but the docs suggest complicated joins may not compile properly? Not sure what that means specifically.


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