On 06/30/2010 03:32 AM, Paul Johnston wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope everyone's well here. It's been some time since I posted. Great
> to see it up to 0.6, and even more progress on MS-SQL (although I'm
> now unlikely to be using that).
> As always, I'm using SQLAlchemy as part of a web app. I have a set of
> checkboxes, which I'm saving into an M:M relation. The app receives a
> list of IDs from the client. To save these to the M:M, I need them as
> database objects. So I'm doing (roughly):
> myobj.relation = [OtherTable.get(i) for i in ids]
> The problem with this is it's causing a database query for each id.
> What I'd really like to do is somehow create a "placeholder" object
> with just the id, that doesn't cost a database query to create. After
> that, I'll trust flush() to do its magic as efficiently as possible.
> Paul

Here's an ugly way to do it, which injects a persistent OtherTable
instance into the session without verifying it exists in the database.

from sqlalchemy.orm import identity_key_from_primary_key
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import instance_state

def inject_persistent_instance(session, cls, primary_key):
    temp = cls()
    state = instance_state(temp)
    state.key = identity_key_from_primary_key(primary_key)
    return session.merge(temp)

myobj.relation = [inject_persistent_instance(session, OtherTable, i) for i in 
# You risk flush errors if the OtherTable rows did not exist in the database.


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