On Jul 8, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

> Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> http://svn.zope.org/zope.interface/trunk/setup.py?view=auto
>> we wanted to annoy buildout/setuptools/Glyph as much as possible, and I am 
>> happy to say we succeeded.
> I hope you're joking :-S
>> The issue of them not building by default wasn't that they might not build, 
>> just that they have not been widely tested, and its C code, and we really 
>> didn't want people complaining that SQLAlchemy makes their application core 
>> dump. 
> But that's what we have a wonderful and shiny set of unit tests for, right? 
> :-)

unit tests in Python can't really test the wider variety of mishaps that native 
code can produce, i.e. subtle memory leaks, weird race conditions, etc.   Not 
that our C code is subject to any of that, but again, wanted to be very 
cautious.   We wanted to get 0.6 out without having to worry about the C code 
having untested problems (and there were a few late in the game fixes too).

>> Not sure if we'd want to change this default midway through 0.6 or wait til 
>> 0.7.
> Fair enough, but this is sadly one of those things where you're only likely 
> to find the edge cases when you do make it "on by default"...

The C exts also don't improve performance that much for most users.   It would 
be nicer if we could get people to write a lot more C extensions for us, then 
it would really be something worth flipping on.

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