I'm still working on the solution. I've found out some stuff in
internet. I guess I'm close to, but I haven't got it yet. I'm using
this for the relation:

        mediaGroups = relationship("MediaGroup",
secondary=media_group_groups, order_by="MediaGroup.title",
backref='media_groups', foreign_keys =
["media_group_groups.groupA_id", "media_group_groups.groupB_id"],
                                        primaryjoin = "MediaGroup.id == 
secondaryjoin = "MediaGroup.id == media_group_groups.groupB_id")

I'm playing with the parameters, but I usually get this error:

"ArgumentError: Could not determine relationship direction for
primaryjoin condition 'users.id = :id_1', on relationship
User.mediaGroups. Specify the 'foreign_keys' argument to indicate
which columns on the relationship are foreign."

Thank you!

On Aug 12, 1:08 pm, Alvaro Reinoso <alvrein...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to link one table to itself. I have media groups which can
> contain more media group. I created a relation many to many:
>     media_group_groups = Table(
>                         "media_group_groups",
>                         metadata,
>                         Column("groupA_id", Integer, 
> ForeignKey("media_groups.id")),
>                         Column("groupB_id", Integer, 
> ForeignKey("media_groups.id"))
>                 )
>     class MediaGroup(rdb.Model):
>         """Represents MediaGroup class. Conteins channels and other media
> groups"""
>         rdb.metadata(metadata)
>         rdb.tablename("media_groups")
>         id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
>         title = Column("title", String(100))
>         parents = Column("parents", String(512))
>         channels = relationship(Channel, secondary=media_group_channels,
> order_by=Channel.titleView, backref="media_groups")
>         mediaGroup = relationship("MediaGroup",
> secondary=media_group_groups, order_by="MediaGroup.title",
> backref="media_groups")
> I got this error:
> "ArgumentError: Could not determine join condition between parent/
> child tables on relationship MediaGroup.mediaGroup. Specify a
> 'primaryjoin' expression. If this is a many-to-many relationship,
> 'secondaryjoin' is needed as well."
> When I create the tables I don't get any error, it's just when I add
> any element to it.
> Any idea???
> Thanks in advance!

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