meta.Session.query(Job).order_by(Job.min_level).order_by(Job.descr).filter(Job.tier==1).outerjoin((User_job_progress, User_job_progress.job_id==Job.job_id)).filter(User_job_progress.fb_uid==1)
results in a query of: FROM xxx_jobs LEFT OUTER JOIN xxx_user_job_progress ON xxx_user_job_progress.job_id = xxx_jobs.job_id WHERE xxx_jobs.tier = %s AND xxx_user_job_progress.fb_uid = %s ORDER BY xxx_jobs.min_level, xxx_jobs.descr but, what I am trying to achieve is FROM xxx_jobs LEFT OUTER JOIN xxx_user_job_progress ON (xxx_user_job_progress.job_id = xxx_jobs.job_id AND xxx_user_job_progress.fb_uid = %s) WHERE xxx_jobs.tier = %s ORDER BY xxx_jobs.min_level, xxx_jobs.descr I tried putting the .filter within the outerjoin, but the tuple object has no attribute filter. Adding a second condition results in ValueError: too many values to unpack. Passing a list doesn't appear to be parsed as there is no attribute _from_objects. I'm sure it is something I've missed somewhere. Thanks for your time. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sqlalchemy" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at