On Sep 2, 2010, at 6:51 PM, cd34 wrote:

> meta.Session.query(Job).order_by(Job.min_level).order_by(Job.descr).filter(Job.tier==1).outerjoin((User_job_progress,
> User_job_progress.job_id==Job.job_id)).filter(User_job_progress.fb_uid==1)
> results in a query of:
> FROM xxx_jobs LEFT OUTER JOIN xxx_user_job_progress ON
> xxx_user_job_progress.job_id = xxx_jobs.job_id
> WHERE xxx_jobs.tier = %s AND xxx_user_job_progress.fb_uid = %s ORDER
> BY xxx_jobs.min_level, xxx_jobs.descr
> but, what I am trying to achieve is
> FROM xxx_jobs LEFT OUTER JOIN xxx_user_job_progress ON
> (xxx_user_job_progress.job_id = xxx_jobs.job_id
> AND xxx_user_job_progress.fb_uid = %s) WHERE xxx_jobs.tier = %s ORDER
> BY xxx_jobs.min_level, xxx_jobs.descr
> I tried putting the .filter within the outerjoin, but the tuple object
> has no attribute filter.  Adding a second condition results in
> ValueError: too many values to unpack.  Passing a list doesn't appear
> to be parsed as there is no attribute _from_objects.

you need to use and_(), and pass the criterion as a list inside, 

from sqlalchemy import and_
query.outerjoin((target, and_(foo.bar==q, bar.bat==x))

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