Sorry about that.  It was 4am this morning on my android so i wasnt thinking
clearly yet.

XMLType is an Oracle object type and library for storing and interacting
with XML documents.  getClobVal is a method of XMLType that returns an XML
chunk of data as a CLOB instead of as an object.  I have found that when I
was using cx_Oracle directly it did not like when I tried to process an
Object so I used getClobVal when I was trying to store an XML document
retrieved from a query.

For example when I was using cx_Oracle I would open a cursor and execute the
following query to get my XML document or portion of it.

cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(connection)
 cursor.execute("select object_value from xmlrepos")
result_obj = cursor.fetchone()

 cursor.execute("select XMLType.getClobVal(object_value) from xmlrepos")
result_clob = cursor.fetchone()

result_obj gives me a cx_Oracle.OBJECT that I have yet to figure out what I
could do with by itself and the result_clob gives me a cx_Oracle.LOB object
that I take the str() value of to get my value.

I was just curious if there was any ways to accomplish this with ORM.  I saw
that oracle has a CLOB colum in the dialects definition for Oracle, but was
not sure how I could create a declarative object using a CLOB column that
would allow me to create a custom query so that I can use XMLType.getClobVal
to access it.

Sorry if I am still not making any sense.  I will attempt to give a better
example of what I am looking to do when I get back.

I will also try to create a custom UserDefinedType and see if I can go from
there.  I just have yet to have any luck to find anything that directly
interacts with an XML object in the database without having to convert it to
anohter data type.


43rd Law of Computing:
Anything that can go wr
fortune: Segmentation violation -- Core dumped

On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Michael Bayer <>wrote:

> On Sep 12, 2010, at 6:23 AM, millsks wrote:
> > I was curious if there were any way to pull a XMLType field into a
> > python field when using declarative.  I have been able to do it with
> > cx_Oracle by executing a query using XMLType.getClobVal and would
> > probably work with sqlalchemy's manual query system too, but would
> > love it if I could use it as part of an ORM object as an actual column/
> > field or as a relationship.
> >
> > If this is possible where should I look to learn how to integrate it
> > into our sqlalchemy code?
> first you'd have to tell me what XMLType.getClobVal is, as cx_oracle's
> documentation does not mention it in their index:
> next, you would make sure you can make it work within a SQLAlchemy Table
> object, probably using a plain sqlalchemy.types.CLOB object if that's the
> kind of type cx_oracle treats it as - when used with cx_oracle, the ultimate
> type would call upon _LOBMixin in order to provide the read() method that
> cx_oracle asks of those types.
> Failing that, you'd subclass UserDefinedType and make a type that does what
> cx_oracle wants to read/write a Python value.
> The ORM part then comes for free as it rides on top of Table metadata.
> --
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