On Sep 12, 2010, at 12:28 PM, Kevin Mills wrote:

> Sorry about that.  It was 4am this morning on my android so i wasnt thinking 
> clearly yet. 
> XMLType is an Oracle object type and library for storing and interacting with 
> XML documents.  getClobVal is a method of XMLType that returns an XML chunk 
> of data as a CLOB instead of as an object.  I have found that when I was 
> using cx_Oracle directly it did not like when I tried to process an Object so 
> I used getClobVal when I was trying to store an XML document retrieved from a 
> query.
> For example when I was using cx_Oracle I would open a cursor and execute the 
> following query to get my XML document or portion of it.
> cursor = cx_Oracle.Cursor(connection)
> cursor.execute("select object_value from xmlrepos")
> result_obj = cursor.fetchone()
> cursor.execute("select XMLType.getClobVal(object_value) from xmlrepos")
> result_clob = cursor.fetchone()
> result_obj gives me a cx_Oracle.OBJECT that I have yet to figure out what I 
> could do with by itself and the result_clob gives me a cx_Oracle.LOB object 
> that I take the str() value of to get my value.
> I was just curious if there was any ways to accomplish this with ORM.  I saw 
> that oracle has a CLOB colum in the dialects definition for Oracle, but was 
> not sure how I could create a declarative object using a CLOB column that 
> would allow me to create a custom query so that I can use XMLType.getClobVal 
> to access it.
> Sorry if I am still not making any sense.  I will attempt to give a better 
> example of what I am looking to do when I get back.
> I will also try to create a custom UserDefinedType and see if I can go from 
> there.  I just have yet to have any luck to find anything that directly 
> interacts with an XML object in the database without having to convert it to 
> anohter data type.

If you're getting cx_oracle.LOB, it sounds like you would declare a Column 
using CLOB as the type, and it would work.

As far as how to declare Columns using CLOBs, that's all basic SQLAlchemy 
stuff, like here: 
  where you see Column(String) you'd instead be saying Column(CLOB).

If you wanted to emit CREATE TABLE statements too, then we'd have to subclass 
CLOB a bit but it sounds like you're not at that point yet.

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