
I'm not sure how exactly to describe my problem, or what parts of code
to submit in support of this query. I have spent time Googling but,
since I'm not sure how to define the problem, I'm not sure what to
look for either. Sorry.

I have a feeling that my problem, somehow, relates to sessions, scoped
sessions, transactions, flushes, refreshes, etc - somewhere in that
"bundle". And I'm no expert in that department, basically using
SQLAlchemy with whatever automatic settings it comes with, and
flushing objects after fiddling with them. Oh, I'm using Elixir too.

The actual database entries work perfectly though, without any
persistence problems at all. My problem lies squarely with the objects
in memory. After creating a child object, the parent's
InstrumentedList always shows/reports two of the new child object. As
I said, this situation is not persisted to the database at all.

Perhaps a more to-the-point example snippet. I have Document objects
that each have one or more DocumentStatus objects. So, in Document,
the relation is defined as follows:

statuses = OneToMany('DocumentStatus', inverse='doc', cascade='all,
delete-orphan', order_by=['timestamp'])

So, when I create a new DocumentStatus object, Document.statuses lists
two of them, but not actually persisted to the database. In other
words, leaving my Python shell, and starting the model from scratch,
there actually is only one child object (corroborated by squizzing the
database directly). Here's my DocumentStatus.create() class method:

    def create(cls, doc, status, person=None, date=None):
        if person:
            status = DocumentStatus(doc=doc, status=status,
person=person, date=resolve_datetime(date))
            if status:
                out = 'Document status created'
                success = True
                out = 'Document status not created'
                success = False
            out = 'Person does not exist'
            success = False
        return success

I simply don't know why this is happening or, as I said, how to
search, intelligently, for an answer.

Help, or guidance as to what/where to search for a solution, would be
greatly appreciated.


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