On Apr 7, 2011, at 11:07 AM, Aleksander Siewierski wrote:

> Hi, in part of my model I have a TaskIntro item and RedirectRule item
> connected with relation one-to-one one-sided, mapper for TaskIntro
> looks like:
> mapper(
>        TaskIntro,
>        table,
>        version_id_col = table.c.version ,
>        properties={
>             ...
>            'redirect_rule': relation( RedirectRule,
>                             cascade="all, delete",
>                             primaryjoin=table.c.redirect_rule_id ==
> redirect_rule_t.c.id
>                             ),
>            ...
>        }
> and when I call method that get TaskIntro defined:
> def _get_all_query(self, **kwargs):
>        query = self.query.options(
>                        contains_eager('redirect_rule'),
>                        eagerload_all('redirect_rule.periods'),
>                        eagerload('redirect_rule.channels'),
>                        ...
>                )
>        return query
> I receive following warning:
> /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py:2113:
> SAWarning: Multiple rows returned with uselist=False for eagerly-
> loaded attribute 'TaskIntro.redirect_rule'
>  populator(state, dict_, row)
> I'm googling about this warning, but have no idea what this can mean.
> How can multiple rows be returned here?

You didn't put a full example or the query you're using so its impossible to 
give a specific answer.   But it means the way you're joining from TaskIntro to 
RedirectRule in your query is incorrect such that multiple RedirectRule rows 
are being returned corresponding to a single TaskIntro identity.

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