On May 12, 4:17 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On May 12, 2011, at 7:25 AM, Luper Rouch wrote:
> >> I still have the exact same issue when using SessionExtension's
> >> before_flush() and after_flush_postexec() methods, demonstrated here 
> >> :http://paste.pocoo.org/show/387444/
> >> Line 87 raises the same "InvalidRequestError: The transaction is
> >> inactive due to a rollback in a subtransaction.  Issue rollback() to
> >> cancel the transaction." error.
> > Someone on IRC suggested to do the rollback twice in
> > handle_exceptions(). This seems to work and solve the issue.
> right, you're using begin(subtransactions=True).   That will allow you to 
> have an "inner" "transaction" block, but won't save you from the fundamental 
> nature of the Session, in that it expects a rollback/commit for every 
> transaction block (or a close() cancels everything).
> The reason "subtransactions=True" is required, is literally just a, "by 
> setting this flag you agree that you really want to be doing this".  Its a 
> flag that is really not needed for the vast majority of use cases.
> In your test, the rationale for the @handle_exceptions decorator is not 
> really clear.    The Session's maintream mode of usage is, just use it, then 
> call rollback() or commit() at the end - the "nesting" capability is to allow 
> code that runs unconditionally in a transaction, regardless of whether or not 
> the Session is in "autocommit" mode.   If you don't plan on ever dealing with 
> a Session in "autocommit" mode, the nesting of the transaction block doesn't 
> really have much use.   after_flush_postexec() in particular is already 
> within the flush() processes' internal transaction block.
> Feel free to come up with a brief description of what you're really trying to 
> do from a usage standpoint - i.e. not what part of Session you want to jiggle 
> with but how the program would actually make use of what's going on.    
> Throughout these messages, that remains unclear, and more detail would make 
> the rationale/use case you're proposing apparent.

I use SA events to dispatch events with louie [1]. Signals are then
connected to all kind of things, e.g. maintain history of operations
on a table, update a cache, etc...

That's why I need some kind of generic failure recovery mechanism (the
@handle_exceptions decorator), when a flush is done it may trigger
many operations, which may raise exceptions and leave SA in this
"broken" state until a rollback is issued (and I don't want to enclose
ALL the flush() in try/except blocks).

[1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Louie/1.1

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