I have a Turbogears server that uses sqlalchemy to interface with a
postgres database. Today, I noticed the server was down, so I tried
restarting it. Now my turbogears log is full of errors like:
AssertionError: A conflicting state is already present in the identity
map for key (<class 'dr8db.ModelClasses.FITSHeaderKeyword'>, (1045,))
Exception KeyError: KeyError((<class
'dr8db.ModelClasses.MaskbitsType'>, (61,)),) in <bound method
InstanceState._cleanup of <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object
at 0x4445c90>> ignored

I tried googling this stuff, but found nothing...

Basically it lets me start the paster (Turbogears) server, but after
~5-10 minutes the server dies and there are hundreds of these errors
in the log -- help!! I need to get this server back up ASAP!


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