Thanks for the quick reply.

A "generic" dialect like the one you mentioned would satisfy all of
the use cases I personally run into when using DBFs.  Having one
available would certainly be handy but using the other available
modules is no big deal right now.  The database aspect will be hidden
from the rest of the code anyway, so upgrading in the future shouldn't
be a big deal.

I hadn't considered converting it to sqlite, I'll definitely look into
that one.

Thanks again for the help.

On Jun 21, 10:53 am, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Jun 21, 2011, at 10:25 AM, David Marsh wrote:
> > I'm trying to get SQAlchemy to connect to a collection of DBFs and I'm
> > having some difficulty.
> > If I use pyodbc, I can connect and extract data using the following
> > connection string:
> > 'Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=C:\\path\\to\
> > \dbfs;'
> > I'm having trouble translating this into something that sqlalchemy can
> > use.  All of the posts/docs I've seen seem to be connecting to another
> > server, not reading DBFs out of a folder.
> > Is there a way to do this in SQLAlchemy?  Am I on the right track
> > using pyodbc?  Does SQLAlchemy have another method of connecting to
> > DBFs that I haven't discovered yet?
> SQLAlchemy doesn't have a dialect for DBF files, so while you could make an 
> engine that connects to such a connection, its not clear what SQLAlchemy 
> would do with this database once connected - it would need to act very, very 
> similarly to Microsoft SQL Server or at least Access.  The Access dialect 
> hasn't been upgraded since 0.5 however, so we might not have a working 
> solution here without someone willing to work on a dialect.
> It's probably possible to build a "generic" pyodbc dialect for use cases like 
> these (assuming you want to do just SELECTs), but there's still some critical 
> areas, namely primary key generation, that would probably have to remain 
> undefined for such a dialect, so it would only have a limited, mostly 
> read-only set of functionality.
> An entirely different way to do this is to convert your DBF file to SQLite - 
> once in SQLite you'd be master of the universe.   Here's a thread i found 
> which has some various ways of doing it (unfortunately doesn't seem like 
> there's a comprehensive tool yet):

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