
Dnia 2011-06-21, wto o godzinie 07:25 -0700, David Marsh pisze:
> I'm trying to get SQAlchemy to connect to a collection of DBFs and I'm
> having some difficulty.
> If I use pyodbc, I can connect and extract data using the following
> connection string:
> 'Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=C:\\path\\to\
> \dbfs;'
> I'm having trouble translating this into something that sqlalchemy can
> use.  All of the posts/docs I've seen seem to be connecting to another
> server, not reading DBFs out of a folder.
> Is there a way to do this in SQLAlchemy?  Am I on the right track
> using pyodbc?  Does SQLAlchemy have another method of connecting to
> DBFs that I haven't discovered yet?
> Thanks in advance

Maybe the way I do it could help you in some way - I use pgdbf
(http://pgdbf.sourceforge.net/) to build the table, and then
I run a script every minute which does:

<output of pgdbf -T -C -D -E sometable.dbf>

It plows through ~ 70MB worth of DBF files within 7.5s on a lousy

Then I run stuff I want on the postgresql database.

I think you may have trouble with running pgdbf under Windows - I run it
on Linux.

Filip Zyzniewski

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