On Jun 28, 2011, at 12:26 PM, Oliver wrote:

> I want to have the following query in sqlalchemy:
> SELECT t_objects_1.tid AS t_objects_1_tid FROM t_objects AS
> t_objects_2 INNER JOIN c_objects AS c_objects_1 ON t_objects_2.tid =
> c_objects_1.tid INNER JOIN t_objects AS t_objects_1 ON t_objects_1.tid
> = t_objects_2.parent_id WHERE c.id = 1;
> this would return a list of parent_ids whose childs match a certain
> condition...
> I would go like the following:
> s.query(t_objects_1.tid).join((c_objects, t_objects_2.tid ==
> c_objects.tid),(t_objects_1, t_objects_1.tid ==
> t_objects_2.parent_id)).filter(c_objects.id == 1).all()
> ...but I get this error: (OperationalError) (1066, "Not unique table/
> alias: 't_objects_1'")
> so sqlalchemy is putting the wrong alias in the from clause:
> SELECT t_objects_1.tid AS t_objects_1_tid FROM t_objects AS
> t_objects_1 INNER JOIN c_objects AS c_objects_1 ON t_objects_2.tid =
> c_objects_1.tid INNER JOIN t_objects AS t_objects_1 ON t_objects_1.tid
> = t_objects_2.parent_id WHERE c.id = %s'

Its going to start the FROM chain from "t_objects_1" since that's what's in the 
columns clause, at which point you then join *to* c_objects.   
query.select_from(t_objects_2).join()... will start the FROM clause instead 
from t_objects_2.

> Due to project constraints I have to use sqlalchemy==0.5.6
> if maybe this is a known bug of 0.5.6 please let me now

ah.   It might not work in a version that old.   Try the select_from(table) 
approach first, and if 0.5 isn't handling it ,  you should create your joins 
using the sqlalchemy.orm.join() function, then place the fully constructed 
join() construct into select_from() - I am loathe to reference the 0.5 docs as 
people keep finding them and thinking they are current, but an example of this 
is at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/ormtutorial.html#querying-with-joins    

(Note to people reading this: these are the *OLD DOCS* regarding 0.5; for 
current join usage please see 

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