
I'm trying to backup a database running on SQL Server 2008 Express.
I'm using pyodbc as the driver.

This backup code executes happily, however no file is written to the
provided path. I've also tried placing an empty file in the path, and
only 2KB of data gets written to it.

eng = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://%s:%s@%s" % (uid, pwd, server))
eng.execute('BACKUP DATABASE test TO DISK=?',
# <sqlalchemy.engine.base.ResultProxy object at 0x015868F0>

# False

I am able to backup the database with the same parameters in 'bare'

Here's a more verbose version of both, sqlalchemy and pyodbc, backup

I've also tried restoring an existing backup with sqlalchemy. Again, I
get the ResultProxy, but the newly 'restored' database is stuck in
perpetual 'Restoring...' state, and trying to use it results in:
# Database 'test' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.

I had a similar problem with bare pyodbc, and googling suggested that
this loop is required for the backup/restore operation to continue and

while backupCursor.nextset():

where backupCursor is the one returned by execute('BACKUP...').

Is there a different way of doing backups via sqlalchemy, or some way
around this, or should I stick with bare pyodbc for backups?

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