I think more common practice is just to use shell scripts (whether in
scheduled tasks / cron jobs or manually) for backup.  But I don't know
MSSQL specifically.  I just have rarely heard of anyone trying to
accomplish their backup with SQLAlchemy as part of the chain of

On Jul 11, 2:06 pm, Maciej Filip Szkodziński
<maciej.szkodzin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to backup a database running on SQL Server 2008 Express.
> I'm using pyodbc as the driver.
> This backup code executes happily, however no file is written to the
> provided path. I've also tried placing an empty file in the path, and
> only 2KB of data gets written to it.
> eng = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://%s:%s@%s" % (uid, pwd, server))
> eng.execute('BACKUP DATABASE test TO DISK=?',
>                      backupFilePath)
> # <sqlalchemy.engine.base.ResultProxy object at 0x015868F0>
> os.path.isfile(backupFilePath)
> # False
> I am able to backup the database with the same parameters in 'bare'
> pyodbc.
> Here's a more verbose version of both, sqlalchemy and pyodbc, backup
> code:http://pastebin.com/6x1RRTqz
> I've also tried restoring an existing backup with sqlalchemy. Again, I
> get the ResultProxy, but the newly 'restored' database is stuck in
> perpetual 'Restoring...' state, and trying to use it results in:
> # Database 'test' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.
> I had a similar problem with bare pyodbc, and googling suggested that
> this loop is required for the backup/restore operation to continue and
> finish:
> while backupCursor.nextset():
>     pass
> where backupCursor is the one returned by execute('BACKUP...').
> Is there a different way of doing backups via sqlalchemy, or some way
> around this, or should I stick with bare pyodbc for backups?

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