Under 0.5 I was able to turn echo on and off as desired to support
debugging; it doesn't seem to work now.

Python version: 2.7.1
SQLAlchemy version: 0.7.1

Here's the code:

from sqlalchemy import *
eng1 = create_engine('sqlite:///')
meta1 = MetaData(bind=eng1)
tab_a = Table('x', meta1,
    Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True))
conn = eng1.connect()

Under 0.5.8 The SQL for the delete is echoed, under 0.7 (and I think 0.6) it
is not.
If I move the echo=True before the select, both the select and delete are
It looks like there might be a subtle difference since 0.5 that keeps the
logging from taking effect immediately when echo is changed.

P.S. Now as I try to reverify it, I have to move the echo=True all the way
before the connect() to get it to echo.

Mike Conley

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