On Jul 28, 2011, at 4:23 PM, neurino wrote:

> I need a Single Table Inheritance where the `type` column already
> exists and is a foreign key - `id_type` - to `types` table.
> My concern is I only need to map to two different classes:
> - Foo for `polymorphic_identity=FOO_ID_TYPE`
> - Bar for all other `id_type`s
> Is there a way I can accomplish this with two mappings?

we're working on easily allowing column_property() as a discriminator if you 
want to make a CASE statement.   right now its tedious as per the example at 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2227 (note second example is single 
table, polymorphic_on needs to be on all subclasses at the moment)

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