Thanks Michael,

I was until now using a plain


found inspecting row.keys() with debugger (quick and ditry way, I know...)

now I changed with your more orthodox



I should not have to deal with subqueries so it can stay this way for the
time being.

I'm reading now for the first time in docs what's TypeDecorator for, and I
understand (approximately, please allow me some time to dive into it) your

My doubt, at the moment is: using Type Decorator will I be able to keep
using `mytable.c.id_type` as foreign key to types table (holding type name
adn so on) or not?

Probably reading docs better I'd get the answer by myself so don't mind...

I'll post results if I reach some good point.

Thanks again

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Michael Bayer <>wrote:

> On Jul 28, 2011, at 7:05 PM, neurino wrote:
> > I tried create_instance event and it fires, now having:
> >
> > def see_what_type(mapper, context, row, class_):
> >     if **is_air**:
> >         return Air()
> >     else:
> >         return EXT_CONTINUE
> >
> > def initialize_sql(engine):
> >     ...
> >     layer_mapper = mapper(Layer, layers)
> >     mapper(Air, inherits=layer_mapper)
> >     ...
> >     event.listen(Layer, 'create_instance', see_what_type,
> >                       retval=True)
> >
> > and  setting **is_air** as True I get Air instances querying for Layer
> with filled attributes and relationships.
> >
> > I don't know about other caveats...
> >
> > Now I have to find a robust way to check id_type (one of `row` items) in
> see_what_type.
> yeah thats one of the issues, those old extension interfaces were made
> before we had the "aliased" row in place which happens with the more
> elaborate subquery/join scenarios.
> For the simple case you'd run in the Column object into the row:
> row[mytable.c.type]
> if you start dealing with subqueries and such, might have to make it look
> for a column that "proxies" the "type" column, which is entirely a
> workaround for the bad interface:
> for key in row:
>   if key.shares_lineage(mytable.c.type):
>        value = row[key]
>        break
> but even that isn't going to work if you had two different Layer objects in
> the same result row.
> Another workaround might be to establish the "type" of the "mytable.c.type"
> column using a TypeDecorator - where process_result_value() performs the
> rules you're looking for, returning "is_air" or not.   Then you'd use
> regular polymorphic_on.  Maybe give that a try ?
> --
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