I found the following CTE demo (http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/
attachment/ticket/1859/cte_demo.py) and I was wondering if there was
any way to map these selects.

I have built a CTE based select to generate a dates table on the fly
and I would love to be able to map this and use generative selects to
transform queries.  I have only been able to make the mapping work
with .from_statement() however this does not allow for

Any thoughts?


with CommonTableExpression.create('all_dates', ['date']) as all_dates:

    start_exp = cast(bindparam('start'), DateTime)
    end_exp = cast(bindparam('stop'), DateTime)

    exp = func.DATEADD( literal_column('dd'), bindparam('step'),
all_dates.c.date )

    s1 = select([start_exp])
    s2 = select([exp], from_obj=all_dates).where(exp <= end_exp)

    s = s1.union_all(s2)

all_dates = SelectFromCTE(all_dates, s)

class Date(object):
    query = Session.query_property()

    def range(cls, start, stop, step=1):
stop=stop, step=step)

mapper(Date, all_dates, primary_key=[all_dates.c.date])

print Date.range('2011-01-01 00:00:00', '2021-01-01 00:00:00').all()

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