The ticket for SQLAlchemy is:

For Pyodbc I've opened:

as you can see, issue 210 is quite serious.    Would be curious what results 
you get for the script there.

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:25 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

> I can't actually make that string work at all with FreeTDS, but I am on 0.82. 
>   If I turn on Python unicodes with FreeTDS 0.82, which until recently was 
> the FreeTDS release for years, everything breaks immediately - the CREATE 
> TABLE statements won't even work, as you can see below just the strings u'A', 
> u'dbo' blow it up:
> sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError: (Error) ('HY004', '[HY004] [FreeTDS][SQL 
> Server]Invalid data type (0) (SQLBindParameter)') 'SELECT 
> [COLUMNS_1].[TABLE_SCHEMA] = ?' (u'A', u'dbo')
> You can be assured that the code you see in is not by accident - 
> dozens of hours went into making this thing work with Pyodbc + FreeTDS, and I 
> would vastly prefer that it just accept u'' strings - but on 0.82, it does 
> not.   
> So I'm just thrilled that A. FreeTDS has apparently broken compatibility with 
> all of that effort and B. I can't barely even get FreeTDS 0.91 to work, nor 
> can I C. get pyodbc 2.1.9 to build.
> FreeTDS 0.91 doesn't appear to work for me period.   Your exact query *does* 
> work, but if I try to create or drop tables, I get either:
> MemoryError:
> or an erroneously blank result set, when trying to query from 
> INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS, depending on how I set up that flag.
> So I can't really test or do anything with FreeTDS 0.91. 
> Can you please try a "metadata.drop_all()" and "metadata.create_all()" for me 
> and tell me if it works as expected, both with and without the patch ?
> Your flag is not a big deal but the much more ominous issue is a whole new 
> set of users installing 0.91 and not being able to do simple checks for table 
> existence.
> What OS you're on would be helpful here as well, as it appears I'm at least 
> going to have to test from a linux VM to a windows VM to even get this going.
> On Sep 7, 2011, at 7:12 PM, Victor Olex wrote:
>> Using SQLAlchemy 0.7.2 with pyodbc 2.1.9, FreeTDS 0.91, unixODBC 2.3.0
>> and SQL Server 2008 I find that the supports_unicode_bind may be
>> incorrectly set to False in the PyODBCConnector.initialize. As a
>> result a unicode parameter gets encoded as str and to make matters
>> worse the value gets silently overridden with empty Unicode string
>> (u'').
>> Consider a simple table (IDENTITY, NTEXT, VARCHAR(255)) with one
>> record:
>> ID, col1, col2
>> 1, 'Łódź', 'abc'.
>> We will update existing value in col1 to 'Łódź!'.
>>>>> from sqlalchemy import Column, Sequence, create_engine
>>>>> from sqlalchemy.types import UnicodeText, Integer, VARCHAR
>>>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
>>>>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>>>>> Base = declarative_base()
>>>>> metadata = Base.metadata
>>>>> class A(Base):
>> ...     __tablename__ = 'A'
>> ...     id = Column(u'ID', Integer, Sequence('A_PK'),
>> primary_key=True)
>> ...     col1 = Column(u'col1', UnicodeText())
>> ...     col2 = Column(u'col2', VARCHAR(255))
>> ...
>>>>> e = 
>>>>> create_engine('mssql://user:pwd@sqlserverhost:2431/MYDB?driver=FreeTDS&TDS_Version=8.0',
>>>>>  echo=True)
>>>>> Session=sessionmaker()
>>>>> s = Session(bind=e)
>>>>> lodz = u'\u0141\xf3d\u017a'
>>>>> oa = s.query(A).one()
>> 2011-09-07 17:22:25,260 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT
>> user_name() as user_name;
>> 2011-09-07 17:22:25,261 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
>> 2011-09-07 17:22:25,270 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine
>>           SELECT default_schema_name FROM
>>           sys.database_principals
>>           WHERE name = ?
>>           AND type = 'S'
>> 2011-09-07 17:22:25,271 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine
>> (u'SPEED_IT',)
>> 2011-09-07 17:22:25,291 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine BEGIN
>> (implicit)
>> 2011-09-07 17:22:25,292 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT [A].
>> [ID]
>> AS [A_ID], [A].col1 AS [A_col1], [A].col2 AS [A_col2]
>> FROM [A]
>> 2011-09-07 17:22:25,292 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
>>>>> oa.col1
>> u'\u0141\xf3d\u017a'
>>>>> oa.col2
>> 'abc'
>>>>> oa.col1 = u'\u0141\xf3d\u017a!'
>>>>> s.commit()
>> 2011-09-07 17:23:17,016 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine UPDATE [A]
>> SET
>> col1=? WHERE [A].[ID] = ?
>> 2011-09-07 17:23:17,016 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine
>> ('\xc5\x81\xc3\xb3d\xc5\xba!', 1)
>> 2011-09-07 17:23:17,061 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine COMMIT
>>>>> oa.col1
>> 2011-09-07 17:23:24,226 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine BEGIN
>> (implicit)
>> 2011-09-07 17:23:24,227 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT [A].
>> [ID]
>> AS [A_ID], [A].col1 AS [A_col1], [A].col2 AS [A_col2]
>> FROM [A]
>> WHERE [A].[ID] = ?
>> 2011-09-07 17:23:24,227 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine (1,)
>> u''
>> Using a patched initialize method with the supports_unicode_binds line
>> #110 removed the parameter gets passed as Unicode and the database
>> updates correctly as does the in memory object. Different version
>> combinations of pyodbc, FreeTDS and SQL may likely yield a different
>> result so unless a deterministic factor is found I would like to
>> propose adding parameter bind_unicode to dialect class and connection
>> url.
>> Regards and respect,
>> Victor Olex
>> -- 
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