On Sep 20, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Andrei Chirila wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> Thank you :)
> I changed the code according to your indications:
> def paranoid_delete(session, flush_context, instances):
>     """ Intercepts item deletions (single item deletions)
>         and, if there is a field deleted_at for that
>         object, it's updating deleted at instead of really
>         deleting the object """
>     # print "current session", session
>     # print "context", flush_context
>     # print "dirty", session.dirty
>     # print "deleted", session._deleted
>     for obj in session.deleted:
>         # print ">> deleted object:", instance, " -> ", obj
>         if hasattr(obj, 'deleted_at'):
>             print "moving object back: ", obj
>             obj.deleted_at = int(time.time())
>             session.add(obj)
> and it seems to do what it was intended.
> Do you know where could I add a hook for before_bulk_delete?

Well since you're subclassing Query I'd add an overriding delete() method to 
your LimitingQuery, do your hook in there, then call the delete() method of 
Query itself.

> Thank you,
> Andrei Chirila
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 3:59 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> 
> wrote:
> On Sep 20, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Andrei Chirila wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm working at implementing a safe delete on my models (having a
> > deleted_at field which is checked and setting a deleted_at field when
> > a model is deleted).
> >
> > I looked over the LimitingQuery recipe and at
> > SessionEvents.before_flush and bellow is my solution. As I'm kind of
> > new SqlAlchemy user, I would like to ask if anyone can see any obvious
> > mistake in the following code (I'm sure I missed bulk deletion and
> > session explunge, but I don't really know how to integrate them).
> I'd stay away from identity_map.add(object), as that skips a lot of 
> bookkeeping that occurs within the Session.   and definitely *never* modify 
> anything with an _underscore on Session, your code becomes totally non 
> portable to even small changes in SQLAlchemy (which occur frequently as we 
> have new releases, bugfixes you'll want, etc).    The public (read-only) 
> accessor for the "deleted" collection is Session.deleted.
> If you have an object marked for deletion, you can re-add it, 
> session.add(object), will remove it from the deleted list.
> If there's something you need the Session to do that there is not a public 
> API for, ask me on the list here first, as I'd rather ensure there are 
> maintainable paths for use cases.
> >
> > Any feedback would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Andrei Chirila
> >
> > from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query
> > import sqlalchemy.event as event
> >
> >
> > class DeletedAtQuery(Query):
> >    """ Query adding a default condition that,
> >        if deleted_at exists, it should be NULL
> >        for the rows returned """
> >
> >    def get(self, ident):
> >        return Query.get(self.populate_existing(), ident)
> >
> >    def __iter__(self):
> >        return Query.__iter__(self.private())
> >
> >    def from_self(self, *ent):
> >        return Query.from_self(self.private(), *ent)
> >
> >    def private(self):
> >        mzero = self._mapper_zero()
> >        if mzero is not None:
> >            if hasattr(mzero.class_, 'deleted_at'):
> >                crit = mzero.class_.deleted_at == None
> >
> >                return self.filter(crit)
> >        return self
> >
> >
> > def paranoid_delete(session, flush_context, instances):
> >    """ Intercepts item deletions (single item deletions)
> >        and, if there is a field deleted_at for that
> >        object, it's updating deleted at instead of really
> >        deleting the object """
> >    # print "current session", session
> >    # print "context", flush_context
> >    # print "dirty", session.dirty
> >    # print "deleted", session._deleted
> >    deleted_copy = set(session._deleted)
> >    for instance in deleted_copy:
> >        obj = instance.obj()
> >        # print ">> deleted object:", instance, " -> ", obj
> >        if hasattr(obj, 'deleted_at'):
> >            # print "moving instance to dirty states"
> >            instance.deleted = False
> >            obj.deleted_at = int(time.time())
> >            session.identity_map.add(instance)
> >            del session._deleted[instance]
> >
> >
> > def configure_events(session):
> >    """ Helper for applying before_flush hook """
> >    event.listen(session, 'before_flush', paranoid_delete)
> >
> > if __name__ == "__main__":
> >
> >    import time
> >    from sqlalchemy import *
> >    from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> >    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> >
> >    Base = declarative_base()
> >
> >    class Group(Base):
> >        __tablename__ = 'groups'
> >
> >        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >        name = Column(String)
> >        users = relation("User", backref="group", cascade="all")
> >
> >        def __repr__(self):
> >            return "<Group(%d, %s)>" % (self.id, self.name)
> >
> >    class User(Base):
> >        __tablename__ = 'users'
> >
> >        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >        name = Column(String)
> >        group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('groups.id'))
> >        deleted_at = Column(Integer)
> >        pets = relation("Pet", backref="user", cascade="all, delete-
> > orphan")
> >
> >        def __repr__(self):
> >            return "<User(%d, %s)>" % (self.id, self.name)
> >
> >    class Pet(Base):
> >        __tablename__ = 'pets'
> >
> >        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >        name = Column(String)
> >        user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.id'),
> > nullable=False)
> >        deleted_at = Column(Integer)
> >
> >        def __repr__(self):
> >            return "<Pet(%d, %s)>" % (self.id, self.name)
> >
> >    engine = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=False)
> >    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
> >
> >    ClearSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
> >    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, query_cls=DeletedAtQuery)
> >
> >    sess = Session()
> >    configure_events(sess)
> >    clearsess = ClearSession()
> >
> >    sess.add_all([Group(name='Group A', users=[
> >                        User(name='User A1', pets=[
> >                                Pet(name='Mause A1'),
> >                                Pet(name='Cat A1')])]),
> >                  Group(name='Group B', users=[
> >                        User(name='User B1'),
> >                        User(name='User B2', pets=[
> >                            Pet(name='Dog B2'),
> >                            Pet(name='Mause B2'),
> >                            Pet(name='Hamster B2')
> >                        ]),
> >                        User(name='User B3', pets=[
> >                            Pet(name='Fish B3'),
> >                            Pet(name='Snake B3'),
> >                            Pet(name='Horse B3')
> >                        ])])])
> >
> >    sess.commit()
> >
> >    group_a = sess.query(Group).filter(Group.name == 'Group
> > A').first()
> >    assert group_a
> >
> >    users_in_a = group_a.users
> >    assert users_in_a
> >    assert len(users_in_a) == 1
> >    users_in_a_by_query = sess.query(User).\
> >                                filter(User.group_id == group_a.id).\
> >                                all()
> >
> >    assert users_in_a_by_query
> >    assert len(users_in_a_by_query) == 1
> >
> >    pets_in_a = users_in_a[0].pets
> >    assert pets_in_a
> >    assert len(pets_in_a) == 2
> >
> >    # delete one pet
> >    pet_id = pets_in_a[0].id
> >    sess.delete(pets_in_a[0])
> >    sess.commit()
> >
> >    pets_in_a = users_in_a[0].pets
> >    assert pets_in_a
> >    assert len(pets_in_a) == 1
> >
> >    pet = clearsess.query(Pet).filter(Pet.id == pet_id).first()
> >    assert pet
> >    assert pet.deleted_at
> >
> >    sess.delete(users_in_a[0])
> >    sess.commit()
> >
> >    assert len(sess.query(User).\
> >                                filter(User.group_id == group_a.id).\
> >                                all()) == 0
> >    assert len(clearsess.query(User).\
> >                                filter(User.group_id == group_a.id).\
> >                                all()) == 1
> >    assert len(sess.query(Pet).all()) == 6
> >    assert len(clearsess.query(Pet).all()) == 8
> >
> >    group_b = sess.query(Group).filter(Group.name == 'Group
> > B').first()
> >    assert group_b
> >    assert len(group_b.users) == 3
> >
> >    # don't know how to implement batch delete hook yet
> >    #sess.query(Pet).delete()
> >    #sess.commit()
> >
> >    #assert len(sess.query(Pet).all()) == 0
> >    #assert len(clearsess.query(Pet).all()) == 8
> >
> >    sess.delete(group_b)
> >    sess.commit()
> >    groub_b_deleted = sess.query(Group).filter(Group.name == 'Group
> > B').first()
> >    assert groub_b_deleted is None
> >
> >    assert len(sess.query(Pet).all()) == 0
> >    assert len(clearsess.query(Pet).all()) == 8
> >    assert len(sess.query(User).all()) == 0
> >    assert len(clearsess.query(User).all()) == 4
> >
> > --
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> >
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