Thanks michael,
But my problem here is different.

Let me give you the exact stored procedure that we have here for execution.

create or replace function getGroupByCode(group_code groups.groupcode%type) returns setof groups as $$
res groups;
for res in select * from groups where groupcode = group_code loop
return next res;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;

Now I will give you the code I am trying to run.

from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import func

engine = create_engine("postgresql://gnukhata:gnukhata@localhost/K2011101512425529")

print type(engine)

res = engine.execute(func.getGroupByCode(1)).scalar()

print type(res)

for row in res:
   print row['groupname']

Note that the stored procedure refers to a group table that contains groupcode,groupname,groupdesc
So groupname is a valid column.
Yet I get the no such column error.
Can you please explain?

Happy hacking.

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