I solve this problem with new custom Query class:

class HieSession(Session):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(HieSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._query_cls = HieQuery

class HieQuery(Query):
    def instances(self, cursor, __context=None):
        """Given a ResultProxy cursor as returned by connection.execute(),
        return an ORM result as an iterator.


            result = engine.execute("select * from users")
            for u in session.query(User).instances(result):
                print u
        session = self.session

        context = __context
        if context is None:
            context = QueryContext(self)

        context.runid = _new_runid()

        filter_fns = [ent.filter_fn
                    for ent in self._entities]
        filtered = id in filter_fns

        single_entity = filtered and len(self._entities) == 1

        if filtered:
            if single_entity:
                filter_fn = id
                def filter_fn(row):
                    return tuple(fn(x) for x, fn in zip(row, filter_fns))

        custom_rows = single_entity and \

        (process, labels) = \
                        query_entity.row_processor(self, context,
                        for query_entity in self._entities

        while True:
            context.progress = {}
            context.partials = {}

            if self._yield_per:
                fetch = cursor.fetchmany(self._yield_per)
                if not fetch:
                fetch = cursor.fetchall()

            if custom_rows:
                rows = []
                for row in fetch:
                    process[0](row, rows)
            elif single_entity:
                ### ADDED BEGIN
                #rows = [process[0](row, None) for row in fetch]
                rows = []
                for row in fetch:
                    instance = process[0](row, None)
                    row_tuple = tuple(row)
                    level = row_tuple[-3]
                    instance.level = level
                ### ADDED END
                rows = [util.NamedTuple([proc(row, None) for proc in
                                        labels) for row in fetch]

            if filtered:
                rows = util.unique_list(rows, filter_fn)

            if context.refresh_state and self._only_load_props \
                        and context.refresh_state in context.progress:
                        context.refresh_state.dict, self._only_load_props)


            for ii, (dict_, attrs) in context.partials.iteritems():
                ii.commit(dict_, attrs)

            for row in rows:
                yield row

            if not self._yield_per:

in HieQuery only added this code:
#rows = [process[0](row, None) for row in fetch]
rows = []
for row in fetch:
    instance = process[0](row, None)
    row_tuple = tuple(row)
    level = row_tuple[-3]
    instance.level = level

HieSessionMaker = sessionmaker(class_=HieSession, bind=db.engine)

from app.lib.sqla_lib import HieSessionMaker
hie_session = HieSessionMaker()

and now I can wrote function for selecting with recursive from
sqla_hierarchy library and join User:

def get_hierarchy_objects(model_class, select_obj, starting_node=0,
limit=None, contains_eager_objs=None):
    returns hierarchy objects with joins and level from with recursive sql

    model_class (Class) - class, e.g. Comment
    select_obj (Select) - select object, e.g. select([Comment.id])
    starting_node (int) - id for sub-trees
    limit (int) - limit for result objects
    contains_eager (tuple/list) - additional tables for join

    example usage:
    select all tree comments where content_id=1 with join user:

    result = get_hierarchy_objects(Comment, select([Comment.__table__,
User.__table__], Comment.content_id==1,
from_obj=[outerjoin(Comment.__table__, User.__table__)]),

    from app import hie_session
    select_obj = select_obj.apply_labels()
    h = hierarchy.Hierarchy(db.session, model_class.__table__, select_obj,
    h_compiled = h.compile()
    hie_statement = h_compiled.__str__() % h_compiled.params
    if limit:
        hie_statement += ' LIMIT {0}'.format(limit)
    result = hie_session.query(model_class).from_statement(hie_statement)
    if contains_eager_objs:
        result = result.options(contains_eager(*contains_eager_objs))
    return result.all()

Thanks to all, SQLAlchemy very powerful! :)

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>wrote:

> On Oct 20, 2011, at 4:03 AM, Alex K wrote:
> result2 = db.session.query(non_primary_mapper).from_statement('SELECT
> test.id AS test_id, test.user_id AS test_user_id, test.reply_id AS
> test_reply_id, test.text AS test_text FROM test LEFT OUTER JOIN "user" ON
> "user".id = test.user_id LIMIT 1 OFFSET
> 0').options(contains_eager(Test.user)).all()
> There's absolutely no reason above you'd need to use a non primary mapper
> there.  The primary mapper for Test is already Test.__table__.  When you use
> from_statement(), the underlying table to which the class is mapped is
> entirely disregarded - the columns in the string statement are assigned to
> the Test object as well as the related User using a naming convention.
>  You'd need to add all the "user" columns you'd like to load to the columns
> clause of the SELECT statement, using the convention
> <usertablename>_<columnname>.   non primary mappers can't be used to add new
> columns to a mapping or to change the names of existing columns, so that
> isn't happening here either.   The Test and User classes once mapped to
> their primary tables get their attribute names assigned and that's it.
> non primary mappers are almost entirely useless these days except for this
> one edge case involving relationship() to a non primary as the target, in
> order to emit custom SQL from that relationship, which is not the case here
> since you're writing the SQL by hand.
>  --
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