On Dec 18, 2011, at 1:56 PM, rivka wrote:

> For the sake of speed - I would like to work with my database in
> memory (disk access is a killer). So - I would like to load my
> database from disk to memory - without going through a query.all() and
> then - while working from memory - occasionally commit to the disk (or
> - when executing a commit - somehow have it commit to both the memory
> an disk versions).

If you use a SQLite :memory: database, you'll get the effect of the database 
being loaded into memory, but still you will have the Python overhead of the 
ORM, which adds a lot of automation to the task and thus takes time.   Using 
SQLAlchemy Core will perform lots faster,. and then using pysqlite directly 
will run in the blink of an eye as it's 100% written in C

The attached script illustrates the difference between ORM, Core, and raw 
cursor, using CPython:

done ! it took 50 sec
querying with Core instead of ORM:
done ! it took 12 sec
Querying with a raw sqlite cursor:
done ! it took 1 sec

Here's with Pypy 1.7, results are slightly more egalitarian

done ! it took 23 sec
querying with Core instead of ORM:
done ! it took 7 sec
Querying with a raw sqlite cursor:
done ! it took 4 sec

> Is it possible with using sqlite or do I need the big bucks to go get
> a copy of commercial grade db software?

You never need "commercial grade" anything these days, Postgresql is as 
industrial strength as anyone would need and it's free.  That said, SQLite is a 
very fast performer too, especially with the :memory: db.

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from sqlalchemy import create_engine

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base= declarative_base()

class MyObject(Base):
    __tablename__ = "object"
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

e = create_engine("sqlite:///file.db")


s = Session(e)
for i in xrange (1200):
    # insert with ORM:
    #    MyObject(id=i * 1000 + j) for j in xrange(1000)

    # insert with Core:
        [{} for j in xrange(1000)]
    print "inserted %d"  % (i * 1000)

import time
print "querying:"
now = time.time()
obj = s.query(MyObject).all()

print "done ! it took %d sec" % ( time.time() - now)
assert len(obj) == 1200000, len(obj)

print "querying with Core instead of ORM:"
now = time.time()

obj = [
    (row.id,) for row in 
print "done ! it took %d sec" % ( time.time() - now)
assert len(obj) == 1200000, len(obj)

print "Querying with a raw sqlite cursor:"
now = time.time()

conn = e.raw_connection()
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from object")
obj = [
    (row[0], ) for row in cursor.fetchall()
print "done ! it took %d sec" % ( time.time() - now)
assert len(obj) == 1200000, len(obj)

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