I wanted to get idea about how much memory my sqlalchemy objects are taking.
I used pympler library and used its class tracking function.
I am using declarative base for defining the model and hence tables. I am 
pretty new to web development and python in general. So some questions may not 
be entirely due to sqlalchemy but due to my less knowledge about python.

My User model which contain 13 column attributes, 1 association proxy for  many 
to many connections and 6 one to many attributes set using lazy='dynamic'. When 
I tracked its memory usage only 6 attributes were loaded as others were set 
deffered and memory used was 1.6 mb.

I tried to do rough calculations and thought if one object was taking this much 
then loading 100 will take 160mb.
Then I created 50 user objects and then tracked memory and to my surprise total 
memory consumed was only 2 mb!
What is the reason of this?? Are this objects sharing some base which is is 
around 1.5 mb and actual object is just in kbs?

I tracked another type of object defined using 5 fields took only about 30kb 
and another object containing only 2 fields was 90 kb. Why is this different 
behavior in sizes?

Reading about memory usage and sqlalchemy in this group and other places that 
once python process accumulates memory then they release only once closed I am 
little confused.
Does it mean when I have loaded 100 objects and their usage is over, after that 
its memory will not be released back to system??

Final question expiring an object creates a weak reference and can be collected 
by gc if not used. Does expunging an object does the same?
mainly how can i make memory taken by object free after usage is over.

Thas quite a lot of questions. Thank you for reading.

Manav Goel

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