        Thanks for the answer even after my half researched questions
which I should not have done. :)
         Yeah I realised that after posting the question and I dig
deep into python memory issues and have improved knowledge a lot.
          In fact objgraph module is a great one for understanding
these issues. It helped in understanding sqlalchemy a lot by drawing
great detailed graphs.

On Feb 7, 3:18 pm, Gunnlaugur Briem <gunnlau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Manav,
> the final question did touch SQLAlchemy: the one about expiring and
> expunging.
> 1. "expiring an object creates a weak reference" - this is inaccurate. All
> object references held by the the session (except for objects whose
> addition, deletion or attribute change is not yet flushed) are weak
> references in the first place,
> seehttp://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/session.html#session-attributes
> and expiring an object just marks its attributes out of date, it does not
> change the session's reference to the object itself
> 2. "Does expunging an object do the same" - expunging an object means the
> session no longer holds a reference (weak or otherwise) to that object. But
> the reference was weak in the first place (unless the object was in new,
> dirty or deleted), so expunging neither helps nor hurts in getting the
> object collected.
> Your other questions do not involve SQLAlchemy, and that's why nobody here
> is answering them. You might find some other group where questions about
> python basics and process memory management are in scope ... but the One
> True Way to learn these things is to grit your teeth and google and read.
> That may be more work than you were hoping, but such is life. :) Also, this
> talk is
> good:http://blip.tv/pycon-us-videos-2009-2010-2011/pycon-2011-dude-where-s...
> - Gulli

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