On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 04:52:36PM -0500, Michael Bayer wrote:
> Wow, OK great, you were able to make something work while maintaining the
> ClassManager approach.
> So the first thing is, you can skip the redefinition of Mapper().  You can
> put your custom ClassManager class right on a base or mixin class like this:
> class MySpecialMixin(object): __sa_instrumentation_manager__ =
> MySpecialClassManager

I would be happy to do so, but is there any way I can do same w/o polluting
class's __dict__? What about adding argument to Mapper.__init__?

> The next thing is, you could also instead subclass InstrumentationManager
> instead of ClassManager, which provides hooks that are a bit more public.
> I'd probably need to add some more hooks to it in order to fulfill this use
> case, though. If you look through instrumentation.py
> _ClassInstrumentationAdapter you can see what that adaption looks like.    

Yeah, I should have use it instead.

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