
Thanks for the prompt and helpful reply. Alembic does look promising for my application; I'll put it on my agenda (probably won't get to it soon, thought).

It's a challenge that you have databases out in the wild that are not in sync.  
 To the degree that those differences are important to the migration scripts 
you'll be writing, you'll want to get those systems in sync first - depending 
on the situation you might want to write scripts for each customer's database 
individually, each of which will have the job of getting that database into 
shape for the primary set of migration scripts.

It's not quite as bad as I might have implied. There are only a few different "rev levels", and I can recreate them locally with copies of the DBs. The differences tend to be a few tables and occasionally SPs and UDFs. We already have some control over this: I have a folder of scripts under version control that get applied when going to a new release (new/changed SPs, table changes, changes to the data in "configuration tables"), so I pretty much know what's in each DB by the rev number of the folder that was used.

Again, thanks,


Don Dwiggins
Advanced Publishing Technology

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