On 8.5.2012, at 0:18, Michael Bayer wrote:

> On May 7, 2012, at 6:09 PM, Stefan Urbanek wrote:
>> p.s.: On the other hand, Table.is_view might be a good flag - to maintain 
>> consistency with the fact that Table() can reflect a view. However, I am not 
>> sure how does that fit into overall design of the library.
> the reason is that it's a partial, broken API:
> t = Table("myview", metadata, 
>               Column(...),
>                 Column(...),
>                 # ...
>               is_view=True
> )
> metadata.create_all()
> ...to which we get, what exactly ?    a view is not just a bunch of columns, 
> you need the whole view definition.
> similarly:
> mytable = Table("someview", metadata, autoload=True)
> assert mytable.is_view
> mytable_2 = mytable.tometadata(othermetadata)
> othermetadata.create_all()
> -> same thing ! how do we do a CREATE ?   is the whole view definition 
> present ?  do we have round trip tests for all that ?  can I reflect a view 
> from Oracle and recreate on SQLite ?    the answer is: absolutely not.  It 
> would require that we can fully parse SQL, intelligently enough even to 
> translate it into another platform, which is not just out of scope, it would 
> be a vastly complicated process.

You are right, I agree with that. That would create more confusion and even 
more inconsistencies.

> Hence the whole thing stays as a recipe, and also why you're finding it 
> awkward that you'd like to emit DROP for views that you've reflected; the 
> "view reflection" use case was at most intended as a read only use case.

Creating views (and therefore dropping them as well) should not belong to Table 
and I see no problem with the way described in the recipe. The read-only flag 
might be really helpful though - once the table/view is reflected, it might be 
known what the source object type was (if it is possible to get it from DB 

Btw. this what I did finally and seems to work:

# we already have: view_name, metadata, schema, statement (selectable)

table = sqlalchemy.Table(view_name, metadata,
                         autoload=False, schema=schema)

full_name = "%s.%s" % (schema, view_name) if schema else view_name

if table.exists():
    inspector = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
    view_names = inspector.get_view_names(schema=schema)

    if view_name in view_names:
        # Table reflects a view
        drop_statement = "DROP VIEW %s" % full_name
        # Table reflects a table

if materialize:
    create_stat = "CREATE TABLE"
    create_stat = "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW"

statement = "%s %s AS %s" % (create_stat, full_name, str(statement))

> I'm not 100% sure how "view reflection" even got into the library, to be 
> honest, as it really doesn't belong in Table.  a Table is not a view.

Table is not a view, right. On the other hand, views are quite useful and in 
analytical domain they are being used quite a lot. The analytical data are 
mostly read-only during their use, therefore I see no problem with treating 
VIEWs as read-only TABLEs in this case. I would definitely not drop view 
reflection from the library, as it is makes building another kinds of 
abstractions/tools (besides ORM) much more easier.


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