On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Adam Tauno Williams <awill...@whitemice.org
> wrote:

> On Sun, 2012-04-15 at 05:32 -0700, Kyle Schaffrick wrote:
> > Wow, a blast from the past! :)
> Yes.
> > Which version of SQLAlchemy does your new version work with? It's
> > great that you are now able to get rid of the HStoreComparator, that
> > really makes it easier to use. The version of SQLA I was using 2 years
> > ago when I wrote it required the custom comparator to make the
> > operators work on the ORM InstrumentedAttribute as well as on the Core
> > Column. I suppose the new version doesn't require this duplication?
> I've gone back through the thread and I can't find a link to your work
> [regarding the hstore implementation].  Can you post one?
Sure, my original version was the attachment here:

Uwe's modified version is here,
http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy/msg/03250e20866ea253 -- it is
almost certainly better since it removes the ugly custom comparator which I
had to use before in order to make the InstrumentedAttribute have the same
operations available in the ORM as the raw Column does. I assume it still
works the same but is cleaner now that it's updated to work on a more
recent SQLA version (although I haven't tried it yet myself).

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