Hi, thanks for your reply.

Yes, I know the Python memory management model and that while it may free internally, it does not to OS. I've read somewhere that it has been fixed in 2.7 as well, but my testing on Fedora's 2.7.1 still shows the issue. That's why I thought perhaps there are dangling references in the C extension parts that are not visible to heapy (is that even possible?).

I tried with yield_per() and you once told me how that can't work if I use subqueryload, so I tried without subqueries. The problem is that the script then shoots from 5 seconds to over a minute to process same dataset which is unacceptable to me for other reasons (which is expected as there are two additional queries per each of the 5000 rows, making the app do 10001 queries + ORM overhead on each). However, with yield_per() the memory consumption stays as low as before the querying begins.

I've got three possible solutions here. One is repeated querying with limited result set AND subqueryloading which works like yield_per, except it requires additional sorting and offset. I just tried that and it indeed consumes much less memory. With sets 500 rows at once (and with full subqueryloads) the memory consumption is 1/10 of loading all rows at once which figures, 500 is 1/10 of 5000. This is acceptable.

Another is (materialized) views on the DB end with triggers and entire new model to select data from.

And yet another solution is to drop ORM and construct queries manually, returning relational data as subselects in arrays, and add a thin "ORM"-like layer that just converts row columns to named tuples so that the consumers of this data can use same model interface. But I'm guessing this is no different than the (materialized) views approach except the combining is done in the DB and not in the Python app. I still need separate model class or named tuples.

.oO V Oo.

On 05/17/2012 03:21 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
There's a few different parts to what you're asking.

The first is that you're comparing Python's use of OS memory (I'm assuming this is the 200+ MB) to Python's actual amount of objects present. This is a common mistake. Python up through version 2.6 does not release memory back to the OS once taken - this was improved in 2.7. There's an old article about this here: http://effbot.org/pyfaq/why-doesnt-python-release-the-memory-when-i-delete-a-large-object.htm as well as Alex Martelli's answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1316799/34549 .

Second is, what exactly is the large object you're creating here ? Answer - first, psycopg2 by default buffers the result set fully before returning it to SQLAlchemy - so it is first a list of 5000 tuples. Second, the ORM itself also by default buffers the full set of rows from the result set in the form of mapped objects, so 5000 objects plus their related objects. A way to modify this behavior is to use the yield_per() option of Query, which will also in the case of psycopg2 tell psycopg2 to use its "server side cursors" feature which does not buffer.

However, "yield_per()" is not compatible with eager loading as eager loading involves being able to load collections across the full set of original objects. Typically the better way to deal with large numbers of rows is to paginate, using either LIMIT/OFFSET or using window functions (see http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/WindowedRangeQuery ).

Thirdly, there is a modest growth in memory when a series of mappings are used for the first time, including the configuration of mappers, initialization of TypeEngine value processors, and such. But the initial large resultset is the main thing causing the higher initial memory footprint. You'll notice this isn't a "leak" at all, as it doesn't grow.

On May 17, 2012, at 7:33 AM, Vlad K. wrote:


I have a problem when processing relatively large number of rows. For example, when selecting 5000 main rows, each having a number of many-to-one relationships, memory usage shown by top skyrockets into 200+ MB range (RES), while heapy shows cca 20MB of Python heap. PostgreSQL backend via psycopg2.

I've made a minimum example case based on the problem I'm noticing in my Pyramid app, so the session.commit() at line 130 is there to simulate commit done by Transaction used in Pyramid at the end of each request. If I'm understanding things correctly, committing would expire all objects involved in the session, and I even tried manual session.expunge(row), but there is no difference in memory usage.

The following is source of an example case. Requires SQLAlchemy (tested with 0.7.5 and 0.7.7), guppy, psycopg2 (tested with 2.4.2 and 2.4.4). Happens both on Fedora 15 64-bit and CentOS 6.2 32-bit, though of course the 32-bit shows some 30% lower RES in top.


Usage: setup a test database, update line 25 config. Prepopulate database with -p flag, then run again without any flags.

I don't see where and how would any objects remain in memory, and heapy showing much lower memory use suggests something is retained in the involved C extensions? I also tried with pympler, diff before and after selecting rows, shows nothing near reported by top. I guess there is no "leak" in traditional sense of the word because repeating the task does not yield growing memory consumption. It stabilizes at certain value and stays there.

Heapy before selecting rows:

Partition of a set of 102014 objects. Total size = 13160672 bytes.
 Index  Count   %     Size   % Cumulative  % Kind (class / dict of class)
     0  45901  45  4395296  33   4395296  33 str
     1  26041  26  2186184  17   6581480  50 tuple
     2   7039   7   900992   7   7482472  57 types.CodeType
     3   6836   7   820320   6   8302792  63 function
     4    235   0   761608   6   9064400  69 dict of module
     5    608   1   689792   5   9754192  74 dict (no owner)
     6    676   1   648544   5  10402736  79 dict of type
     7    676   1   608344   5  11011080  84 type
     8    199   0   206248   2  11217328  85 dict of class
9 185 0 167320 1 11384648 87 sqlalchemy.sql.visitors.VisitableType
<334 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

Heapy after 5000 rows have been selected:

Partition of a set of 102587 objects. Total size = 16455168 bytes.
 Index  Count   %     Size   % Cumulative  % Kind (class / dict of class)
     0  45923  45  4397632  27   4397632  27 str
1 1 0 3146024 19 7543656 46 sqlalchemy.orm.identity.WeakInstanceDict
     2  26090  25  2189480  13   9733136  59 tuple
     3   7039   7   900992   5  10634128  65 types.CodeType
     4   6859   7   823080   5  11457208  70 function
     5    235   0   761608   5  12218816  74 dict of module
     6    657   1   705048   4  12923864  79 dict (no owner)
     7    676   1   650464   4  13574328  82 dict of type
     8    676   1   608344   4  14182672  86 type
     9    199   0   206248   1  14388920  87 dict of class
<372 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

What am I doing wrong? I'm hoping something trivial and blatantly obvious that I'm oblivious to. :)



.oO V Oo.

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