On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Julien Lacroix <ne...@aradriel.de> wrote:
> I've stumbled across someof my old query and got certain problems to read my
> bunch of where statements.
> The editors word wrap function makes things just worse. whats your advance
> to keep long filter statements readable,
> one where statement per line would be great.
> e.g.:
> obj = dbObj.query(table).filter(table.foo1 == False AND <include more filter
> statements here>).order_by(table.foo2).all()

I tend to write my SA queries like this:

obj = (session.query(dbObj)
       .filter(dbObj.foo1 == False)
       .filter(sa.or_(dbObj.foo2 == 'abc',
                      dbObj.foo3 == 'def'))

Remember multiple filter clauses are automatically AND-ed together.


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