On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Michael Bayer
<mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> Thing is, in order to work with a large volume of objects, you're
>> forced to do this, otherwise the session can grow uncontrollably.
> flush periodically, and don't maintain references to things you're done with. 
>  The Session does not strongly reference objects that have no pending 
> changes, and they'll be garbage collected.

Problem is, I'm stuck with strongly-referencing sessions. The app
comes from SA 0.3, and is heavily relying on the session as a kind of
L1 cache - removing that assumption is a really huge task we haven't
gotten to. We managed to upgrade it to SA 0.5, but we kept
strongly-referencing sessions.

> The problems you're having are from unnecessary detachment of objects, from 
> calling Session.close() and continuing to work with objects that have lost 
> their owning Session, within the context of a new Session they have no 
> association with.

I've been solving those problems by reattaching objects to the
session. Only with caches I haven't been able to do that, since cached
objects will be used by many threads at once, so no single session can
own them.

>> Another case in which an object's lifespan can exceed the session's,
>> is when you want to implement caching with objects of your data model
>> - cached values will have come from other sessions than the current
>> one, and things get horribly messy.
> There are documented patterns for caching - see the example in 
> examples/beaker_caching in the distro.   This pattern is designed to cleanly 
> handle the pattern of detached objects becoming re-associated with a 
> particular session at once.   The pattern is along the lines of, session is 
> created to work with a field of objects, a set of objects is retrieved from 
> the cache, then re-associated with the cache en-masse using the 
> merge_result() method illustrated in the example.

Interesting, I hadn't seen that example. Bookmarked already :-)


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