Dear all,

I've the following tables:

site_table = Table('site', metadata,
    Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('name', types.Unicode(15), nullable=False))

chain_table = Table('chain', metadata,
    Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('letter', types.Unicode(1), nullable=False),
    Column('ec_number', types.Unicode(50), nullable=True))

sites_chains_table = Table('sites_chains', metadata,
    Column('site_id', types.Integer,
    Column('chain_id', types.Integer,ForeignKey(''),

and the following mappers:

mapper(Site, site_table,
       properties={'chain': relationship(Chain, backref='site',
                    secondary=sites_chains_table), })

mapper(Chain, chain_table)

Which query I've to write to count all site where
chain.ec_number==something using its relation.

I tried to do something like:
count =

but the result isn't real.
(o_    //\  Coltivate Linux che tanto Windows si pianta da solo.
(/)_   V_/_
|     ENRICO MORELLI         |  email:       |
| *     *       *       *    |  phone: +39 055 4574269             |
|  University of Florence    |  fax  : +39 055 4574253             |
|  CERM - via Sacconi, 6 -  50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - ITALY    |

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