On Aug 22, 2012, at 3:51 PM, David McKeone wrote:

>  I was wondering if you could just clarify how I might convert a standard 
> model object into a flask-sqlalchemy model object.

why do you need to do this ?    What flask-sqlalchemy-specific features would 
you hope for the model objects to have ?   There's pretty much two I can see - 
one is the MyModel.query attribute, and the other are the events.  Neither are 
necessary, though you might want the usage of one or the other.   Otherwise no 
"conversion" is needed.

> Using the two examples above, would I just take my User(Base) class and then 
> assign it property out of the Flask db properties?  Something like: 
> User.session = db.session()  
> User.engine = db.engine()
> I know those properties don't actually exist on User, but is that the kind of 
> thing I should be looking to do?  Move certain pieces into all of the models? 
>  or is there something higher level going on that will do this for me in some 
> way? something else?

I don't see why engine or session would be stuck onto the model class like 
that,  I don't see that usage here: 
  Just the "query" attribute.  "User.query.all()".  This is equivalent to 

The "User.session / User.engine" pattern suggests that a model class acts as a 
registry for how to get at a live database connection.  That pattern is one 
that SQLAlchemy specifically discourages.   In the Flask docs, you'll see that 
the "handle" to the state of a transaction is db.session.  The objects like 
instances of User are then contained within that.

>  This seems like it would be a really good way to accomplish what I'm looking 
> for and to move things forward as well.  Once I read up on the requisite 
> knowledge I may end up making an attempt at making this over the next little 
> while.  I had a drink with Armin last week and I'm not sure if his current 
> stuff points him in this direction (of course you'd have to ask him for the 
> real answer on that), but I certainly have a vested interest, so maybe I can 
> do some of the grunt work.

its really quite a small amount of effort.   I think for now the strategy on 
your end should be to forge ahead with what's there, and if there's some very 
specific thing that doesn't work as you expect, I can show you how to get the 
behavior you're looking for.

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