On Aug 22, 2012, at 5:33 PM, David McKeone wrote:

> I suppose I should be more clear.  This is really a long term question, I was 
> just looking for some kind of answer now because I don't want to code myself 
> into a corner in the short term.  Currently I can make requests outside of a 
> flask request context by using the app.test_request_context() context 
> manager, and it seems to do the right thing.   
> In the long term I'm looking for 2 (maybe 3) things that I already get from 
> Flask-SQLAlchemy:
> 1) Session teardown for every request (looks like that is done with a call to 
> session.remove() in the request teardown)

you can use the Session provided by flask-sqlalchemy, which has the nice 
quality that it aligns itself with the current request.

He can make that feature more open-ended though.   I should be able to say 
flask_sqlalchemy.request_scope(some_sessionmaker) to set that up with any 
sessionmaker of my choosing.

> 2) Debug query tracking for use with Flask-DebugToolbar  (Plus compatibility 
> with other plug-ins that may expect Flask-SQLAlchemy)

the logic i see in flask-sqlalchemy related to debug tracking has no connection 
to the "db.Model" class at all.   its just some connection events which are 
ultimately established via the "SQLAlchemy" class.  Your existing non-flask 
SQLA models will participate in the Session/Engine used by Flask without 
impacting this functionaltiy.

> 3) The Model.query behaviour (it's nice, but I could live without it, since 
> its really just syntactic)

scoped_session has a query_property available, so you can pull that from 
Flask's scoped_session using SQLAlchemy public APIs like this:

sa = SQLAlchemy(db)

# API: 
Base.query = sa.session.query_property

or to get exactly flask's, which appears to add three methods get_or_404, 
first_or_404, paginate:

Base.query = flask_sqlalchemy._QueryProperty(sa)

> Didn't say this explicitly; for now I will do what you say and forge ahead 
> with things.  I think I see the path, but I'll make sure to let you (the 
> list) know if I run into trouble.

good luck !

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