It works! Thank you very much for such a quick response!

It is a pity I was unable to find it on my own though. I spent several hours
searching and reading various parts of SA documentation and on stackoverflow - I
am a SQL / SA newbie and there is A LOT to read. But I've read select_from API
documentation now and still don't see any mention of this functionality there.
Is it somewhere? What should I have been googling for to find it quickly in the
first place?

Thank you again,

Ladislav Lenart

On 5.9.2012 18:22, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Sep 5, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Ladislav Lenart wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I have the following example (Base is the usual declarative_base instance):
>> class Node(Base):
>>    __tablename__ = 'node'
>>    id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
>>    parent_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey(''))
>>    def path(self, root_id):
>>        """Query to return a list of nodes once evaluated.
>>        It starts with the receiver node and continues upwards to the root.
>>        It stops on a node with id root_id.
>>        """
>>        q_base = session.query(Node).filter( ==
>>        q_cte = q_base.cte(name='q_cte', recursive=True)
>>        q_cte_alias = aliased(q_cte, name='q_cte_alias')
>>        node_alias = aliased(Node, name='node_alias')
>>        q_rec = session.query(node_alias)
>>        q_rec = q_rec.filter( == q_cte_alias.c.parent_id)
>>        q_rec = q_rec.filter( != root_id)
>>        q_cte_union = q_cte.union_all(q_rec)
>>        q = session.query(q_cte_union)
>>        return q
>> The above query seems to do what I intend but it returns named tuples and not
>> Node instances. I spent all day searching SA docs but with no luck so far.
>> Is this possible? If so, how?
> this will probably do what you want if you either a. load the records from 
> q_cte_union directly:
> q_cte_union.all()
> or b.  you re-state the query in terms of the entity you want again:
> query(Node).select_from(q_cte_union).all()
> that is if all goes as planned...ctes and unions are pretty complex under the 
> hood.

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