On Sep 6, 2012, at 7:25 AM, Ladislav Lenart wrote:

> Hello.
> On 6.9.2012 13:04, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 5:07 AM, Ladislav Lenart wrote:
>>> It works! Thank you very much for such a quick response!
>>> It is a pity I was unable to find it on my own though. I spent several hours
>>> searching and reading various parts of SA documentation and on 
>>> stackoverflow - I
>>> am a SQL / SA newbie and there is A LOT to read. But I've read select_from 
>>> API
>>> documentation now and still don't see any mention of this functionality 
>>> there.
>>> Is it somewhere? What should I have been googling for to find it quickly in 
>>> the
>>> first place?
>> so, approach #1, q_cte_union.all(), didn't work ?  that would be the more 
>> direct approach and follows the examples at 
>> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/query.html#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.union
>>  .
>> for approach #2 the select_from() docs don't have any examples right now to 
>> suggest the kinds of things that can go in there (which is of course, 
>> anything that represents rows).
> I guess I don't follow. q_cte_union.all() raises the following exception:
>    AttributeError: 'CTE' object has no attribute 'all'

oh, that's a CTE, sorry.   

this is a new feature which is based pretty much verbatim from Postgresql's 
examples.     We'll probably add more examples to 
 at some point.   I'm amazed how many people are actually using the CTE feature.

> My original query without select_from() works but it only returns named 
> tuples,
> not actual ORM instances. I need/want to work with ORM instances because of
> their additional behaviour (methods).

the object returned by CTE is a Core "selectable" construct, that is, it's like 
a Table or select() object (ultimately all known as FromClause objects).  To 
take any FromClause and return ORM instances from it can be done using 
query(entity).from_statement(fromclause.select()) or 
query(entity).select_from(fromclause).   It's also a relatively recent feature 
that a FromClause can be passed into select_from().

So these are all new usages stemming from the Query's ever improving 
consistency with itself and with the Core, which is actually improving further 
in 0.8.   Takes awhile for the docs to catch up.

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