I'm running into a very strange problem when I attempt to reflect against 
my Oracle DB. I've already pinged the IRC channel, and asked a question on 
StackOverflow. I'm pasting that question verbatim below. If you need 
anything else, please let me know.

I'm attempting to reverse engineer an existing Oracle schema into some 
declarative SQLAlchemy models. My problem is that when I use 
it doesn't find the tables in my schema, just a Global Temp Table. However, 
I can still query against the other tables.

I'm using SQLAlchemy 0.7.8, CentOS 6.2 x86_64, python 2.6, cx_Oracle 5.1.2 
and Oracle Express Edition. Here's a quick sample of what I'm 
talking about:

    >>> import sqlalchemy
    >>> engine = 
    >>> md = sqlalchemy.MetaData(bind=engine)
    >>> md.reflect()
    >>> md.tables
    immutabledict({u'my_gtt': Table(u'my_gtt', 
Column(u'id', NUMBER(precision=15, scale=0, asdecimal=False), 
table=<my_gtt>), Column(u'parent_id', NUMBER(precision=15, scale=0, 
asdecimal=False), table=<my_gtt>), Column(u'query_id', NUMBER(precision=15, 
scale=0, asdecimal=False), table=<my_gtt>), schema=None)})
    >>> len(engine.execute('select * from my_regular_table').fetchall())

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