I'm working with a client that does most of their work in stored procedures 
on an oracle database. One of the things I'm trying to help them with is 
transitioning to use sqlalchemy for calling said procedures.
For simple input and output types i was able to follow threads in this 
group and do something like this:

db.execute(text('begin HELLO_WORLD.say_hi(:x_in, :x_out); 

However, for most of their procedures, they actually have cursors in the 
outparams. The only way i have found to do it is to drop down into using a 
raw_connection and the cx_oracle types like so:

engine = create_engine(dsn)
con = engine.raw_connection()
cur = conn.cursor()
params = [12345, people, groups]
#12345 is a input param
r = cur.callproc('list_people', params)

Is there a way to keep this more abstract and within sqlalchemy instead of 
dropping down into cx_Oracle?


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