Hello list,

I can't find an example for a user defined type that has to produce custom SQL. What I want is to implement a PostGIS geometry column and it basically has to do two things:

1. Implement own SQL for insert/update, to produce for example:

INSERT INTO .... (..., xyzzy, ....) VALUES (..., transform(PointFromText( %s ), 4269), 32661) , ....) ....

UPDATE .... SET xyzzy=transform(PointFromText( %s ), 4269), 32661) ...

2. Internally carry a tuple X that will be bound as string "POINT({0} {1})".format(x[0], x[1])

3. Parse PostgreSQL array result back into tuple X

I've managed to produce #2 and #3 with a UserDefinedType, but I don't know how to tell it to produce custom SQL, aside to bind_processor, for #1. I'm also using get_col_spec for the UserDefinedType for DDL.

BTW, GeoAlchemy is beside the point here. I want to learn how to produce custom types like this.



.oO V Oo.

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