I'm looking for details on implementing an audit table, either through sqla 
itself or in a way that plays nicely with sqla. It looks like there used to 
be an implementation of something like that at 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/LogVersions, does anyone 
know where that code lives now?

I figure there is probably a way to define the history table entirely in 
sqla, or perhaps preferably with db triggers. I'm using *PostgreSQL* / the 
trigger option is certainly available. If I go the trigger route ... is 
there a way to still have access to the history table object through sqla? 
I suppose I create a mapping to that table?

To illustrate the scenario, say I have a bank_account table:

 - id
 - balance

And a history table for it:

 - bid
 - timestamp
 - balance

Should the history table implementation be done in sqla or should it be a 
db trigger with a sqla mapping? Either way I want to read from the history 
table with SQLA. Any pointers appreciated!

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