Hi Michael,

I applied your patch on my current SA 0.7.3 without any problem, and added
a few traces. Everything seems to work perfectly!

Here is the first output with updates:

 >>> do_begin_twophase
 >>> do_prepare_twophase = True
 >>> do_commit_twophase
   > oci_prepared = True
   > do_commit

and without "real" updates:

 >>> do_begin_twophase
 >>> do_prepare_twophase = False
 >>> do_commit_twophase
   > oci_prepared = False
   > no commit !

That's great, for me it works like a charm!
Do you think that this patch could be backported to a new 0.7.x release of
SA ?

Best regards,

2012/11/21 Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>

> great.  can you try the attached patch please (latest 0.8 tip), which will
> not call "commit" if the "prepare" returned false.   I'm not sure if this
> is complete though, if we should be doing a "rollback" afterwards, or what.
> not sure if I can get my local oracle XE to do two phase for real, that
> would help a lot.  this patch would need quite a few tests.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> On Nov 20, 2012, at 6:33 PM, Thierry Florac wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Following your guidelines, this is the first test I made against cx_Oracle
> :
> >>> conn = cx_Oracle.connect('scott','tiger','localhost:1521/ORCL',
> twophase=True)
> >>> id = random.randint(0, 2 ** 128)
> >>> xid = (0x1234, "%032x" % id, "%032x" % 9)
> >>> conn.begin(*xid)
> >>> conn.prepare()
> False
> >>> conn.commit()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
> DatabaseError: ORA-24756: la transaction n'existe pas
> As you can see, the "prepare" method returns False, meaning that the
> transaction was *NOT* prepared.
> If I add any update statement, everything is OK.
> Oracle 11g documentation seems to indicate that the "prepare" call can
> return three "status" :
> PreparedData on the node has been modified by a statement in the
> distributed transaction, and the node was successfully prepared. Read-onlyNo
> data on the node has been, or can be, modified (only queried), so no
> preparation is necessary. AbortThe node cannot successfully prepare.
> cx_Oracle returns False "when there is nothing available to prepare", so
> probably at least in case 2, case for which "commit shouldn't be done" to
> avoid ORA-24756 error.
> So it's behaviour seems conform with Oracle OCI documentation...
> So my last question is : in the context of an SA session, who is
> responsible of the prepare/commit statements, so that commit is not called
> if prepared was not OK ?
> Best regards,
> Thierry
> 2012/11/20 Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>
>> Googling for the ORA code yields the usual tautological answers that say
>> nothing.
>> The first step here would be to isolate the issue in a simple test case
>> with SQLAlchemy only, and then cx_oracle where I suspect the bug lies.
>> The Session will not create a transaction at all, if no SQL is emitted.
>> So that would mean SQL is definitely emitted.  Can you confirm this ? (look
>> at your SQL logging).
>> Then, an initial test would be like this:
>> s = Session(twophase=True, bind=my_oracle_engine)
>> s.execute("select 1 from dual")
>> s.commit()
>> Here's my test, against Postgresql:
>> from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>> e = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test', echo=True)
>> s = Session(e, twophase=True)
>> s.execute("select 1")
>> s.commit()
>> the output:
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,894 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine select
>> version()
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,894 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {}
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,897 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine select
>> current_schema()
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,897 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {}
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,900 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine select 1
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,900 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {}
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,900 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine PREPARE
>> TRANSACTION '_sa_ddca4886b1f5db002e83058341de2609'
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,900 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {}
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,908 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine COMMIT
>> PREPARED '_sa_ddca4886b1f5db002e83058341de2609'
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,908 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {}
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,909 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine BEGIN
>> 2012-11-20 10:53:06,909 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {}
>> which I will explain, first there's a "BEGIN TWOPHASE" that unfortunately
>> is not logged, I have just committed a fix for that in tip.  Then there's
>> the PREPARE and the COMMIT - but this is Postgresql's syntax.  The Oracle
>> implementation only uses an XID when it calls cx_oracle's "begin()" method,
>> and then I'd assume its up to cx_oracle to do the rest.    So if there's a
>> bug anywhere, it's probably in cx_oracle.   My guess is that cx_oracle
>> itself is not emitting the BEGIN unless it sees DML (INSERT, UPDATE,
>> DELETE).    The "BEGIN" you see afterwards is a tweak that's specific to
>> the psycopg2 dialect when twophase is used so that it can run the next
>> transaction.
>> A cx_oracle script would be:
>> import cx_Oracle
>> import random
>> conn = cx_Oracle.connect(...)
>>  id = random.randint(0, 2 ** 128)
>> xid = (0x1234, "%032x" % id, "%032x" % 9)  # no idea where i got this
>> from, probably cx_oracle
>> conn.begin(*xid)
>> conn.prepare()
>> conn.commit()
>> if that fails, but then if you were to insert in the middle:
>> cursor = conn.cursor()
>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO sometable (q) VALUES (3)")
>> and then it works, there you go.   cx_oracle's bad behavior.
>> All of the "two phase" implementations required weird hacks to get them
>> to work, as this feature is exceedingly rare.   But for cx_Oracle, I never
>> saw it work completely hence we haven't been able to come up with
>> workarounds for existing issues.
>> On Nov 20, 2012, at 4:28 AM, Thierry Florac wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> This is a complete traceback produced by removing my checking code
>> against attribute modification.
>> Original code is then as simple as this:
>>     @ajax.handler
>>     def updateOrderMenuItemBO(self):
>>         session = getSession(SESSION_NAME)
>>         ids = [ int(id) for id in self.request.form.get('ids') ]
>>         for menu in
>> session.query(MenuItemBO).filter(MenuItemBO.id.in_(ids)):
>>             index = ids.index(menu.id) + 1
>>             menu.rang = index
>>         return getUtility(IJSONWriter).write({ 'status': 'OK' })
>> URL:
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Paste-',
>> line 306 in respond
>>   app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
>> File '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/src/webapp/startup.py', line 33 in wrapper
>>   return app(environ, start_response)
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/eggs/zope.app.wsgi-3.4.3-py2.5.egg/zope/app/wsgi/__init__.py',
>> line 55 in __call__
>>   request = publish(request, handle_errors=handle_errors)
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/eggs/zope.publisher-3.4.10-py2.5.egg/zope/publisher/publish.py',
>> line 138 in publish
>>   publication.afterCall(request, obj)
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/eggs/zope.app.publication-3.4.4-py2.5.egg/zope/app/publication/browser.py',
>> line 78 in afterCall
>>   super(BrowserPublication, self).afterCall(request, ob)
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/eggs/zope.app.publication-3.4.4-py2.5.egg/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py',
>> line 175 in afterCall
>>   txn.commit()
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/eggs/ZODB3-3.8.5-py2.5-linux-x86_64.egg/transaction/_transaction.py',
>> line 325 in commit
>>   self._commitResources()
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/eggs/ZODB3-3.8.5-py2.5-linux-x86_64.egg/transaction/_transaction.py',
>> line 432 in _commitResources
>>   rm.tpc_finish(self)
>> File '/var/local/src/ztfy/ztfy.alchemy/ztfy/alchemy/datamanager.py', line
>> 148 in tpc_finish
>>   self.tx.commit()
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.7.3-py2.5-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py',
>> line 317 in commit
>>   t[1].commit()
>> File
>> '/var/local/eggs-2.5/SQLAlchemy-0.7.3-py2.5-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py',
>> line 1971 in commit
>>   self._do_commit()
>> File
>> '/var/local/eggs-2.5/SQLAlchemy-0.7.3-py2.5-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py',
>> line 2059 in _do_commit
>>   self.connection._commit_twophase_impl(self.xid, self._is_prepared)
>> File
>> '/var/local/eggs-2.5/SQLAlchemy-0.7.3-py2.5-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py',
>> line 1290 in _commit_twophase_impl
>>   self.engine.dialect.do_commit_twophase(self, xid, is_prepared)
>> File
>> '/var/local/eggs-2.5/SQLAlchemy-0.7.3-py2.5-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/cx_oracle.py',
>> line 720 in do_commit_twophase
>>   self.do_commit(connection.connection)
>> File
>> '/var/local/env/rdf/webapp/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.7.3-py2.5-linux-x86_64.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py',
>> line 306 in do_commit
>>   connection.commit()
>> DatabaseError: ORA-24756: la transaction n'existe pas
>> SA integration in Zope in done throught my own "ztfy.alchemy" package,
>> which is mainly a copy of "zope.alchemy" package to which I added several
>> utility tools to facilitate engines definition via persistent utilities.
>> But the transaction machinery is unchanged.
>> Session definition in getSession function is globally done as follows
>> (simplified):
>> def getSession(dsn, status=STATUS_ACTIVE):
>>     engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(dsn,echo,pool_size,pool_recycle,
>> encoding,convert_unicode,strategy='threadlocal')
>>     factory = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine, twophase=True,
>> extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
>>     session = factory()
>>     if join:
>>         join_transaction(session, initial_state=status)
>>     return session
>> Adding a few traces in ZopeTransactionException class also add these
>> messages on the console:
>>  >>> after begin
>> 2012-11-20T10:01:12 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.threadlocal.TLEngine SELECT
>> consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO".id AS "consultbo_MENU_ITEM_BO_id",
>> consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO".id_app AS "consultbo_MENU_ITEM_BO_id_app",
>> consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO".id_appapp AS "consultbo_MENU_ITEM_BO_i_1",
>> consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO".niveau AS "consultbo_MENU_ITEM_BO_niveau",
>> consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO".libelle AS "consultbo_MENU_ITEM_BO_libelle",
>> consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO".rang AS "consultbo_MENU_ITEM_BO_rang",
>> consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO".nature AS "consultbo_MENU_ITEM_BO_nature"
>> FROM consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO"
>> WHERE consultbo."MENU_ITEM_BO".id IN (:id_1, :id_2, :id_3, :id_4, :id_5,
>> :id_6, :id_7, :id_8, :id_9)
>> 2012-11-20 10:01:12,266 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.threadlocal.TLEngine
>> {'id_2': 8, 'id_3': 1, 'id_1': 11, 'id_6': 12, 'id_7': 13, 'id_4': 10,
>> 'id_5': 5, 'id_8': 14, 'id_9': 15}
>> ------
>>  >>> after flush
>>  >>> before commit
>> ------
>> 2012-11-20T10:01:12 CRITICAL txn.139760315672320 A storage error occurred
>> during the second phase of the two-phase commit.  Resources may be in an
>> inconsistent state.
>>  >>> after rollback
>> Hope this can help to understand the problem; any advise is greatly
>> welcome...
>> Best regards,
>> Thierry
>> 2012/11/20 Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>
>>> On Nov 19, 2012, at 6:23 PM, Thierry Florac wrote:
>>> > As far as I can understand it, I'm globally OK with you but... probably
>>> > not completely :-\
>>> > I agree with the fact that SQLAlchemy is not the only package which
>>> > takes part into the global transaction, as SA's session is handled by a
>>> > Zope transaction manager. And the whole mechanism works globally
>>> > perfectly.
>>> > What I don't understand is that when:
>>> > - I open a session,
>>> > - I load a set of objects from the database,
>>> > - I update these objects, setting an attribute with it's current value
>>> >   (I know, said like that it can seems a little silly!),
>>> no problem with that, it produces an event which will cause the flush to
>>> do something, but no UPDATE will be emitted in most cases if no net change
>>> > - then when the transaction is committed, SA probably knows that the
>>> >   objects were not really modified, because no UPDATE instruction is
>>> >   executed;
>>> yup
>>> > but the SA two-phases transaction is begun, prepared and
>>> >   aborts on commit because of the given Oracle error.
>>> the first news to me here is that two-phase commit works with cx_oracle
>>> and SQLAlchemy.   I've never seen it work or been able to test it.
>>> I'm also not familiar with this behavior.   Oracle won't allow PREPARE ?
>>>   Can I see stack trace + full ORA message ?  the error code is especially
>>> significant, had no idea this was an Oracle error.
>>> Also, is this two-phase as implemented by SQLAlchemy itself ?   You have
>>> "twophase=True" with sessionmaker() ?  I hope zope.sqlalchemy isn't
>>> hardcoding that..
>>> > - but if I add a check to update objects attribute only if the new
>>> >   value is different from the actual one, the SA transaction is begun
>>> >   on my first request, but not prepared nor committed, and no error is
>>> >   raised,
>>> doesn't sound right.   If SA starts a transaction, it will also be
>>> PREPARE/COMMITTED because zope.sqlalchemy is calling commit() on the
>>> Session.    You can't be just leaving that new transaction hanging open.
>>> Or it might be rolled back, but its one or the other.
>> --
>> http://www.imagesdusport.com -- http://www.ztfy.org
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