this will need lots more work on my end and may not be possible without major 
caveats.  once you use connection.begin(*xid), the cx_oracle connection goes 
into a new mode that seems to render the usual DBAPI contract of "implicit 
begin" permanently broken.   I've spent about three hours trying to get the 
right combination of begin()/commit()/rollback() calls into the cx_oracle 
dialect, but the test suite still easily puts the connection into a permanently 
broken state as soon as it attempts to use the DBAPI connection traditionally 
after a two-phase operation.

On Nov 21, 2012, at 5:32 AM, Thierry Florac wrote:

>>  conn = cx_Oracle.connect('scott','tiger','localhost:1521/ORCL', 
>> twophase=True)
>> >>> id = random.randint(0, 2 ** 128)
>> >>> xid = (0x1234, "%032x" % id, "%032x" % 9)
>> >>> conn.begin(*xid)
>> >>> conn.prepare()
>> False
>> >>> conn.commit()

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