On Thu, 2012-12-13 at 02:03:42 -0800, Zwieberl wrote:
> I have strings like 'POINT(-141.1643 32.42112)' and want to extract the 
> numbers between the brackets.
> Note1: I can not use python to manipulate the string, since the string gets 
> created from a Postgresql-function-call within the select-statement, and 
> the substring has to be available in the same select.
> Note2: the length of the numbers is not constant, therefore a simple 
> substring()-call is not possible, since I dont know the end-value.

How about this:

  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm import *
  from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

  db_engine = create_engine('postgresql://localhost')
  Session = sessionmaker(bind=db_engine)
  db_session = Session()

  Base = declarative_base()

  class Point(Base):
      __tablename__ = 'points'
      id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
      data = Column(Text)

  p1 = Point(data=u'POINT(-141.1643 32.42112)')
  p2 = Point(data=u'POINT(-42.1337 99.99999)')
  db_session.add_all([p1, p2])

  q = db_session.query(func.regexp_split_to_array(
      func.substring(Point.data, r'^POINT\((.*)\)$'), r'\s'))
  for row in q:
      print row

  q = db_session.query(cast(func.regexp_split_to_table(
      func.substring(Point.data, r'^POINT\((.*)\)$'), r'\s'), Float))
  for row in q:
      print row

> Any help would be appreciated! (Also if you have a different approach 
> towards extracting the substring from the string)

Although I'm not familiar with this stuff, but perhaps this would be
better suited for PostGIS and GeoAlchemy?

Audrius Kažukauskas

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