I'm trying to figure out the correct way to use these array comparisons
features specific to postgres, e.g.:

select * from foo where 1 = any(bar);

So I tried this:

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func
session.query(foo).filter(1 == func.any(foo.c.bar))

But that didn't work, as I got this (essentially):

select * from foo where any(bar) = 1;

Well, then I tried this:

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, literal
session.query(foo).filter(literal(1) == func.any(foo.c.bar))

And that was better:

select * from foo where 1 = any(bar);

Unfortunately I really wanted something like this:

select * from foo where not 1 = any(bar);

So I tried this:

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, literal, not_
session.query(foo).filter(not_(literal(1) == func.any(foo.c.bar)))

Which gave me this:

select * from foo where 1 != any(bar);

Which is not correct. Of course I could do this:

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, literal, not_
session.query(foo).filter(not_(literal(1) == func.all(foo.c.bar)))

But I should really ask here for help because I've loaded the foot-gun
completely full.

So, what's the "correct" way to do this?

-Ryan Kelly

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